
Showing posts from March 17, 2020


STAY SAFE EVERYONE !! We share your concerns about COVID-19. We recognize that these are not the most ideal conditions for conducting business. However, we all need to move forward and work as hard as we can to provide services to present and future clients. The Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario have each published prevention tips and updated information regarding COVID-19 at the following links: The Government of Canada website on COVID-19 The Government of Ontario website on COVID-19 We strongly encourage you to read these websites and to use the protocol suggested when dealing with clients. However, we must also continue to demonstrate to our clients our ability to provide our services with belief, poise, and confidence. We encourage you to go about your business on a daily basis with extra precautions: Please practice "Social Distancing" and avoid in-person meetings wherever possible Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with s